Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Chicken buses

I think chicken buses deserve a separate entry for explanation, and I have some time, so I'll do it now. Chicken buses are what they call the ubiquitous people movers in Guatemala. They are simply old American schoolbuses that wear such a garish paint job that would make even the wildest hair bands of the 80's blush. They have a reputation for being bumpy, packed, and pollutin'. Sure enough, after my first ride on one of these this morning, I can confirm all of this.

On top of this are the drivers and their driving habits. Apparently, some of these buses are driven by teens as young as 18 (I wouldn't have trusted myself at that age to drive anything bigger than minivan), and some of these drivers come to work a slight bit tipsy. Even on windy mountain roads, both lanes are used - your lane and the lane for oncoming traffic - although I do respect the fact that they're taking the shortest distance around a curve, whether it be in their own lane or the opposite. On uphills, black smoke pours out of the tailpipe like a thundercloud, and on downhills, you can actually smell the rubber on the brakes burning, just hoping that the brakes don't catch fire.

Fortunately, this bus I'm taking this afternoon will be a nicer one, and with no stops, I can fall comfortably into my Dramamine induced sleep without having to worry as much about someone stealing my bag. Vamos a ver.

Oh yeah, and another surprising thing, I get motion sickness pretty easily, but I was fine on the chicken bus. I think the difference between the chicken buses and the buses in Ecuador is that these buses were crappier. I could actually see outside and feel the wind in my face and feel every bump on the road. The Ecuadorian buses on the otherhand, had semi-decent shocks and equipment, so it almost felt like I was on a lurching boat, which is much worse. If I can at least make a connection between all of my senses that yes, this vehicle is moving, I'm ok, but if my skin tells me there's no wind but my eyes tell me we're getting bounced around, I think that's when I get sick.

Haven't eaten anything yet this morning, so gonna go find some almuerzo, hope it's clean.

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